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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

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Finding Educational Grants as a Single Mother

Finding educational grants as a single mother

If you happen to be a single mother and you currently have a fixed income, you may be able to get various scholarships and grants that will enable you to attend college for the foreseeable future. Often times people don’t know about these kinds of programs, but you can find lots of information on the Internet. There are a few things you’re going to want to consider when trying to earn your degree using primarily grants.
The days are long gone when the men are the sole breadwinner’s in a single-family. Divorce rates have soared to nearly 50% in some states, mothers are more and more likely to find themselves raising their children without any help.
Several philanthropists have been giving single women that want to get a degree money so they can get a better job. The federal government has recently increased its spending for grant programs like the telegraph that exist to help people earn their bachelor’s degree.
It is possible to complete your degree by using loans, but the first thing you want to do is to check out all the available grants. After you’re done with college, loans have to be repaid, and there is typically about a nine month grace period before you have to begin repaying them. So as you can see finding a funding source that doesn’t have to be reimbursed is the best option, this is why starting with scholarships and grants is the best path.
Individual campuses sometimes have other programs that can help you with child care. This will further ease the burden of going back to school while taking care of a family.
Another thing you might want to think about is taking some of your classes online, juggling paying the bills and going to school can be quite a burden. It’s often quite an attractive option for single women to take some of their classes at home, thus enabling them to spend more time with their families while working on their degree.
The good thing is that the times have changed and now women all over our country have a chance to get educational grants, so even if you have a low income you can still meet your schooling goals. Now is the time to take action, call your college’s financial aid counselor and see exactly which programs are available to you.


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